Dear (es) faithful
return to this place a 'little' late though I am really active in the workshop for over a month now. But to be perfectly honest, I think I looked down the difficulties that could lead to the removal of a workshop, combined with that of a home with everything that both contain the complete mess to sort, move, store, deploy and reinstall! -inspiring, was leaving because it was here to save space and thereby enjoy a larger workshop, hey hey hey! -.
short, as obstacles before finally empty cardboard boxes and suitcases feared (including the internet had not had for two whole months! Yes yes! A change of operator has to also quickly made ...). An absence which also earned me be very behind in my orders, an unusually late, fortunately heard clients comprehensive and shops and I just finished catching up!
All added to the fact of having more markers to produce, create, and added urgency to re-create it (soon!).
Moving In short, with a lot of random classical and joy!
Today, with luck, all this is history old.
Everything has almost regained its place and order (not always definitive, but accommodating at least for a while!). All just waiting to align gradually but our hope lies in large part today in the time lag and space gained.
Otherwise, I'm still working on little news but you never have to confess that day, wanted to work with 'Collection' itself and for reasons I'll explain maybe one day here.
With that solicitors, thank you for your time, your loyalty and patience immmmmmense!
Sincerely, Aurelia
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