War for Peace! My PokerStars SKINS small reflection of the week, the obvious not so obvious ... at a poker table we quickly measure levels of other players or at least the styles of other players ... but one thing that some people do not understand you have to want to be a Warrior can claim to have peace! A contradiction but a reality ... a passive aggressiveness will cause adversaries, and vice versa ... I do not mean small "threats" in raise, but to make allin!
By finding a balance is Peace! If you do not understand that you can never win at poker. Standard example, 3 aggressive players at a table and 6 other liabilities ... it's a safe bet that the aggressive does not puff them! And we see that flights are blinds on liabilities ... Must not leave the high schools to understand that if we show that we are afraid we will end up even more tortured in the future having shown weakness.
Earlier this tournament we realize that the players are looking ... which will overwrite that? the aggressive on liabilities ... liabilities that become aggressive liabilities that do not move and then get crushed calm ... the aggressive does look more (except big game) and liabilities are nibbling gently ... then comes close to the explosion and cashed! Each shows that he has "the largest" than others, this clash around to re-calm again hope to reach the Final Table ...
So you understood, you must to war to maintain your peace and this is reflected also in life, armed conflicts, wars between countries, etc ... that is how peace is maintained in the world, pointing at all times that we are ready to do "all in"!
The bad side is that you may not know if your opponent is not shielded aggressive on this one ... as if you are aggressive you can not take a lot of chips with a good game because the others are terrorizing folder and quickly ... then there must be a balance .. and it's harder to find!
Yesterday I dropped against 2 opponents aggressive but smart! they shoot the 3-blinds liabilities but occasionally they're also stung us and it was very hot for me ... like them ... by chance (positive prints) but I ended up there first shots and I was not proud of my re-re-raise ... Briefly, he had to do despite the game! It would not look like we played our cards! The advantage they have taken notes on me and the next they'll sng foutront Peace ....
What is super is when we "includes" both between players (without speaking) to make a max path set to finish against each other in final duel after ..
Peace is achieved with a power
As I often say
"Play the man not the cards it is good poker."
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