I start with Pokerstars , as many see it all has already asked the question here is what Pokerstars advertisement without his security modes and random algorithms prints so that we ensure no cheating by independent software coupled or by themselves (no interest). You'll also see what is considered "original" to the shuffling as mouse movement, etc. ... LOL ;-))
Pokerstars Thanks for this information and transparency that should be given by all sites in the same way complete is a bit long and indigestible to read but you (for those who still doubted) all the answers to) your questions! " source of these lines: Pokerstars Security" !
! their software is one of the most secure my of !

"Anyone who considers arithmetical methods for generating random numbers is guilty, of course, a sin. "- John von Neumann , 1951
We recognize that it is essential that our software incorporates an algorithm for fair and unpredictable shuffle. To assure ourselves and avoid major problems described in [2], we use two independent sources of truly random data:
- input by the user, including a summary of mouse movements and timing events, collected by the client software;
- Quantis [3], a true random number generator , developed by Switzerland-based id Quantique, which uses random quantum events as a source of entropy.
Each of these sources generates enough entropy to ensure a fair mix of cards and unpredictable.
Highlights of the shuffler:
- A deck of 52 cards can be beaten 52-ways, power is approximately 2 225 (80 658 175 170 943 878 571 660 636 856 404 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 manner, to be exact). We use 249 random bits from both entropy sources (user input and random quantum events) so that the statistical distribution is fair and even more unpredictable.
- We also apply the conventional rules for obtaining the required degree of randomness, for example, if the user input does not generate sufficient amount of entropy, we do not start the next hand as we did not get the required amount of entropy using the random number generator Quantis.
- We use cryptographic hash algorithm SHA-1 for mixing entropies from both sources to further optimize the security level.
- We also maintain a pseudo-random SHA-1 to improve the security and protection against attacks on user data.
- We also use a simple and reliable algorithm to convert the stream of random bits to random numbers within a required range without distortion. For example, if we need a random number between 0 and 25:
- we take 5 random bits and convert them into a random number between 0 and 31;
- if that number exceeds 25, we ignore the 5-bit and start again the process.
- This method is not affected by the distortions associated with the operation of the coefficient for the generation of random numbers that are not 2n, where n = 1, 2, ...
- To really shake the package, we use another algorithm simple and reliable:
- We derive first a card at random from the original packet (1 of 52), then place it in a new package and the original packet therefore contains 51 cards and the new game contains a map.
- We take then a second card at random from the original packet (1 of 51), then place it over the new package, the original packet therefore contains 50 cards and the new package contains 2 cards.
- We repeat this process until all cards of the original packet are placed in the new package.
- The "poor distribution of hands" as described in [2] has no impact on this algorithm.
Brewing verified Cigital!
PokerStars was subjected to an independent, detailed information regarding the generator of pseudo-random PokerStars (RNG). We asked confidence in this company to perform a thorough analysis of random outcomes of the RNG and its implementation in the shuffling on PokerStars. You can see the information on these results below.
Cigital, a leading company specializing in quality and safety software, announced that it confirmed the reliability and security of the random number generator (RNG) used by PokerStars the shuffling its online poker site , showing that the solution meets or exceeds the best practices in the production of statistically random and unpredictable values in the mixture of cards.
"Generate real random numbers is the heart of a fair game industry. "- Paco Hope, Cigital's Director of Gaming Services. "Our evaluation looked at the entire solution, including hardware and software, and confirmed that production of the RNG is cryptographically random and very unpredictable. Given the results of this review, Cigital think that online gamblers can have full confidence in the fact that each hand is dealt randomly and distributed the cards can not be known in advance. "
Cigital analyzed the source code, entropy sources and documentation related to the implementation of the PokerStars RNG. In addition, a sample output of the RNG provided by PokerStars was subjected - and passed - the test FIPS 140-2. Using standard methods for exploiting RNGs and having full access to source code, Cigital found no weakness in the PokerStars RNG, concluding that the implementation conforms to the state of current practice in the generation of random values.
"The Cigital reputation for excellence is recognized throughout the industry the game "- Lukas Gant, Director of Online Marketing at PokerStars." Their discovery of a weakness in the implementation of the RNG site online poker major convinced us it was easy working with Cigital. Their outstanding technical expertise and thorough approach to the reliability and security of software are independent evaluators of confidence. "
" Building a program that can successfully produce reliable random numbers is an absolute requirement for the game industry "- Dr. Gary McGraw, CTO of Cigital and author of Exploiting Online Games (Operation Online Games). "We are pleased to provide a thorough analysis of the random number generator PokerStars and act as trusted advisors. Our analysis shows conclusively that the PokerStars RNG used to generate poker hands dealt on PokerStars.com is in all respects statistically similar to random sequences. A gaming environment safe and fair is essential for the best gaming experience possible, and PokerStars meets these criteria. "
Entropy: measure of disorder or randomness in a system.
FIPS 140-2: standard the U.S. administration on the validation of cryptographic modules, namely, hardware or software that encrypts or decrypts data or performs other cryptographic operations. FIPS 140-1 specifies security requirements required by a cryptographic module used in a secure system of information protection in computer systems.
Random Number Generator (RNG): system, device, or module that creates a sequence of numbers apparently no relation between them.
percentages hands, Pockets, Flop, etc. .....
suited starters Dealt: 29,595 (23.52%) All
suited Expected starters: 29,612 (23.5%)
All starters connected Dealt: 19,493 (15.49%)
All Connected Expected starters: 19741 (15.7%) Suited connector
starters Dealt: 4837 (3.84%) Suited connector
Expected starters: 4935 (3.92%) Paired starters
Dealt: 7364 (5851%)
Paired starters expected: 7403 (5.88%)
AKo dealt: 1202 (0.955%)
AKo expected: 1139 (0.905%)
AKs dealt: 373 (0.296%)
AKs expected: 380 (0.302%)
Any AK dealt: 1575 (1.251%)
Any AK expected: 1519 (1.21%)
A's dealt: 603 (0.479%)
K's dealt: 543 (0.431%)
Q's dealt: 558 (0.443%)
J's dealt: 551 (0.438%)
T's dealt: 546 (0.434%)
9's dealt: 585 (0.465%)
8's dealt: 568 (0.451%)
7's dealt: 597 (0.474%)
6's dealt: 542 (0.431%)
5's dealt: 532 (0.423%)
4's dealt: 603 (0.479%)
3's dealt: 582 (0.462%)
2's dealt: 554 (0.440%)
Each pair expected: 569 (0.452%)
(Note that only data for hands where a flop was dealt and you
were dealt cards preflop are used. Hands where no flop was dealt
are skipped.)
Total hands you were dealt cards: 125852
Times a flop dealt when you were dealt cards: 80610 (64.05%)
When user dealt AK, flops at least one A or K: 346 (33.11%)
expected: 339 (32.4%)
USER HAS ANY TWO SUITED CARDS (dealt 19446 times):
Using both user's hole cards, flopped a:
3 flush: 8164 (41.98%) expected: 8087 (41.6%)
4 flush: 2226 (11.45%) expected: 2128 (10.9%)
5 flush: 147 (0.76%) expected: 164 (0.842%)
Three cards on the flop make up a:
3 straight: 612 (3.15%) expected: 620 (3.18%)
2 flush: 10728 (55.17%) expected: 10718 (55.1%)
3 flush: 981 (5.04%) expected: 1015 (05.22%)
any pair: 3303 (16.99%) expected: 3292 (16.9%)
Hand user flops:
High card: 10257 (52.7%) expected: 10233 (52.6%)
Pair: 7868 (40.5%) expected: 7858 (40.4%)
Two pair: 757 (3.89%) expected: 786 (4.04%)
3 of a kind: 302 (1.55%) expected: 306 (1.57%)
Straight: 97 (0.50%) expected: 80 (0.412%)
Flush: 147 (0.76%) expected: 162 (0.835%)
Full house: 15 (0.077%) expected: 18 (0.0918%)
Four of a kind: 3 (0.015%) expected: 2 (0.0102%)
Straight flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 1 (0.00589%)
Royal flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 0 (0.000654%)
USER HAS ANY PAIR (dealt 5218 times):
Using both user's hole cards, flopped a:
Underpair (to flop): 1224 (23.46%) expected: 1225 (23.5%)
Overpair (to flop): 1215 (23.28%) expected: 1225 (23.5%)
Set: 647 (12.40%) expected: 601 (11.51%)
Quads: 5 (0.096%) expected: 13 (0.245%)
Three cards on the flop make up a:
3 straight: 168 (3.22%) expected: 166 (3.18%)
2 flush: 2860 (54.81%) expected: 2872 (55.0%)
3 flush: 305 (5.85%) expected: 269 (5.16%)
any pair: 896 (17.17%) expected: 895 (17.1%)
Hand user flops:
High card: 0 (0.0%) expected: 0 (0.00%)
Pair: 3707 (71.0%) expected: 3748 (71.8%)
Two pair: 841 (16.12%) expected: 843 (16.2%)
3 of a kind: 597 (11.44%) expected: 562 (10.8%)
Straight: 0 (0.00%) expected: 0
Flush: 0 (0.00%) expected: 0 (0.00%)
Full house: 68 (1.303%) expected: 51 (0.980%)
Four of a kind: 5 (0.096%) expected: 13 (0.245%)
Straight flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 0 (0.00%)
Royal flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 0 (0.00%)
USER HAS OFFSUIT CONNECTORS FROM 54o to JTo (dealt 5026 times):
Using both user's hole cards, flopped a:
Open ended: 414 (8.24%) expected: 430 (8.55%)
Double belly: 24 (0.48%) expected: 27 (0.531%)
Straight: 70 (1.39%) expected: 63 (1.26%)
Three cards on the flop make up a:
3 straight: 180 (3.58%) expected: 158 (3.15%)
2 flush: 2804 (55.79%) expected: 2766 (55.0%)
3 flush: 259 (5.15%) expected: 260 (5.16%)
any pair: 852 (16.95%) expected: 851 (16.9%)
Hand user flops:
High card: 2641 (52.5%) expected: 2646 (52.6%)
Pair: 2025 (40.3%) expected: 2031 (40.4%)
Two pair: 200 (3.98%) expected: 203 (4.04%)
3 of a kind: 87 (1.73%) expected: 79 (1.57%)
Straight: 72 (1.43%) expected: 62 (1.23%)
Flush: 0 (0.00%) expected: 0 (0.00%)
Full house: 1 (0.020%) expected: 5 (0.0918%)
Four of a kind: 0 (0.000%) expected: 1 (0.0102%)
Straight flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 0 (0.00%)
Royal flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 0 (0.00%)
Three cards on the flop make up a:
3 straight: 2630 (3.26%) expected: 2568 (3.19%)
2 flush: 44329 (54.99%) expected: 44383 (55.1%)
3 flush: 4176 (5.18%) expected: 4173 (5.18%)
any pair: 13699 (16.99%) expected: 13656 (16.9%)
Hand user flops:
High card: 40153 (49.8%) expected: 40400 (50.1%)
Pair: 34179 (42.4%) expected: 34063 (42.3%)
Two pair: 3863 (4.79%) expected: 3832 (4.75%)
3 of a kind: 1770 (2.20%) expected: 1703 (2.11%)
Straight: 357 (0.44%) expected: 316 (0.392%)
Flush: 147 (0.18%) expected: 158 (0.197%)
Full house: 131 (0.163%) expected: 116 (0.144%)
Four of a kind: 10 (0.012%) expected: 19 (0.0240%)
Straight flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 1 (0.00139%)
Royal flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 0 (0.000154%)
(Note that only data for hands where a river was dealt and you
were dealt cards preflop are used. Hands where no river was dealt
are skipped.)
Total hands you were dealt cards: 125852
Total final boards seen when you were dealt cards: 44325
USER HAS ANY TWO SUITED CARDS (dealt 10628 times):
Four flushes flopped: 1262 (11.87%)
expected: 1163 (10.9%)
When flop four flush, got flush: 464 (36.77%)
expected: 441 (35.0%)
Hand user has at river:
High card: 1871 (17.6%) expected: 1852 (17.4%)
Pair: 4465 (42.0%) expected: 4532 (42.6%)
Two pair: 2290 (21.55%) expected: 2349 (22.1%)
3 of a kind: 463 (4.36%) expected: 461 (4.33%)
Straight: 494 (4.65%) expected: 484 (4.56%)
Flush: 786 (7.40%) expected: 692 (6.51%)
Full house: 236 (2.221%) expected: 236 (2.22%)
Four of a kind: 15 (0.141%) expected: 13 (0.126%)
Straight flush: 7 (0.066%) expected: 7 (0.0663%)
Royal flush: 1 (0.009%) expected: 1 (0.00781%)
USER HAS ANY PAIR (dealt 3264 times):
A set flopped: 470 (14.40%)
expected: 368 (11.3%)
When flop set, got boat or quads: 153 (32.55%)
expected: 157 (33.4%)
Hand user has at river:
High card: 0 (0.0%) expected: 0 (0.00%)
Pair: 1126 (34.5%) expected: 1158 (35.5%)
Two pair: 1253 (38.39%) expected: 1290 (39.5%)
3 of a kind: 435 (13.33%) expected: 383 (11.7%)
Straight: 45 (1.38%) expected: 62 (1.90%)
Flush: 63 (1.93%) expected: 64 (1.95%)
Full house: 316 (9.681%) expected: 279 (8.54%)
Four of a kind: 26 (0.797%) expected: 27 (0.842%)
Straight flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 1 (0.0160%)
Royal flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 0 (0.00182%)
USER HAS OFFSUIT CONNECTORS FROM 54o to JTo (dealt 2655 times):
Flopped open ended: 244 (9.19%)
expected: 227 (8.55%)
When open ended, got straight: 69 (28.28%)
expected: 75 (30.7%)
Hand user has at river:
High card: 445 (16.8%) expected: 457 (17.2%)
Pair: 1140 (42.9%) expected: 1135 (42.7%)
Two pair: 561 (21.13%) expected: 591 (22.3%)
3 of a kind: 112 (4.22%) expected: 115 (4.35%)
Straight: 259 (9.76%) expected: 242 (9.12%)
Flush: 60 (2.26%) expected: 52 (1.95%)
Full house: 72 (2.712%) expected: 59 (2.22%)
Four of a kind: 5 (0.188%) expected: 3 (0.126%)
Straight flush: 1 (0.038%) expected: 1 (0.0209%)
Royal flush: 0 (0.000%) expected: 0 (0.00110%)
Hand user has at river:
High card: 7614 (17.2%) expected: 7718 (17.4%)
Pair: 19268 (43.5%) expected: 19424 (43.8%)
Two pair: 10327 (23.30%) expected: 10414
3 of a kind: 2271 (5.12%) expected: 2141 (4.83%)
Straight: 2095 (4.73%) expected: 2048 (4.62%)
Flush: 1468 (3.31%) expected: 1341 (3.03%)
Full house: 1195 (2.696%) expected: 1151 (2.60%)
Four of a kind: 74 (0.167%) expected: 74 (0.168%)
Straight flush: 12 (0.027%) expected: 12 (0.0279%)
Royal flush: 1 (0.002%) Expected: 1 (0.00323%)
Four to a flush on board 2042 (4607%)
Expected: 1902 (4.29%)

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